Welcome to Saplings Class
This year, Saplings Class will be taught by Miss Owens, with Miss Cooper and Miss Cowley supporting the children.
PE lessons will take place on Mondays. Please ensure that your child arrives at school wearing their PE kit on this day. A gentle reminder that as we are in winter, layers will be needed to keep your child warm. All items of clothing need to be named.
The children in Saplings class will be accessing the reception outdoor area each day. Again, as it is now getting colder outside, please ensure that your child is coming into school with the appropriate clothing for the weather. We would also like the children to wear a pair of wellies whilst using some areas in the outdoor area. Please provide your child with a pair of named wellies that they can keep in school if you have not already done so.
You will soon receive a reading record to track any reading or sound practice your child completes at home. In Saplings class, your child is currently learning a new sound each day. They will come home with a sticker—simply scan the QR code on the sticker, which will direct you to an online video to help your child practice the sound at home. Please be on the lookout for an email containing your child's login details for Reading Buddy. This platform provides access to a wide range of age-appropriate books that you can enjoy reading together at home.
To find out more about what your child is learning at school, don’t forget to sign up to Tapestry where you can view photos and videos of your child whilst they are at school. Please speak to Miss Owens if you require another copy of your login details.
Thank you for your continued support and please do not hesitate to speak to a member of the Foundation Stage Team if you have any questions.
Reading in Reception